- 暑假期間,電子報調整為每個月發行一次,下次發行日:112/08/09
- 慈大社工系前進卓清國小 融入部落學習布農族語
- 2023永續工作坊移師慈大 聯盟學校相互觀摩學習
- 慈大兒家系師生2023暑假海外交流發光發熱
- 慈大物治系接軌國際 辦新加坡醫療體系分享講座
- 慈大舉辦烏克蘭文化節活動
- 慈大物理治療學系影像超音波工作坊 對接實習與臨床工作
- 全球視野下的永續生活設計 慈大國際生學習解決自己家鄉問題
- 增進臨床技能 慈大物治系總整課程安排紅繩運動實作訓練
- 提升工作效率 讓LINE成為職場管家
- 數位知能活動「 Google Apps Script 雲端自動化與動態網頁實戰」
- 智慧晶片創新探索:慈濟大學醫學資訊系舉辦智慧晶片工作坊
- 傳統顯微鏡教學與數位化教學的對比:面對問題與迎接未來趨勢
- 「生命科學系專題演講」蔬食產業趨勢發展
- 提升研究能量系列講座 女性癌症中新致癌因子的發現
- Reflections on Medical Humanities: The Educational Philosophy of Tzu Chi University’s Silent Mentor Program is Honored in an American National Publication
- Tzu Chi University’s School of Medicine Upholds Tradition of High Passing Rates in Physician Licensure Examination.
- Tzu Chi University Collaborates with Wistron to Hold a “Human-Centered Intelligent Health” Themed Lecture and Product Exchange Event
- For the 16th Consecutive Year, Tzu Chi University Has Secured Funding from the Excellent Teaching Project and the Higher Education Sprout Project, Underscoring Its Educational Prowess
- Tzu Chi University Commencement Ceremony: Inspiring Graduates to Make a Positive Impact for the Greater Good